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Urgent || Latest updates on suspension of September 2022 salaries of some employees – CAGD

The Controller and Accountant General’s Department wishes to inform all employees who for some reasons could not receive their September salaries to present their concerns to the Payroll Coordination unit of CAGD.

According to the management, this is as a result of the Quality Assurance and other validation processes undertaken by
Controller and Accountant General Department.

From CAGD, there has been the need to suspend the payment of September 2022 salaries to some employees whose bank names are mis-matched on the GoG payroll system whiles others had invalid bank account numbers on the system.

Employees With Mis-matched Bank Name

Henceforth,  for employees whose bank names are mis-matched are to kindly informed to report to the Payroll Coordination unit of CAGD at block” A” room 32 with the under-listed documents under a cover letter from the MDA confirming they are at post.

1. Appointment letter

2. Current Posting Letter

3. National Identification Card

4. Card Pay-slips for the last 3 months.

5. A voided cheque leaflet of their bank account.

Employees With Invalid Account Numbers 

From CAGD, employees with invalid bank account numbers are supposed to submit their correct bank account numbers to the PPSs for update.

Management is hereby urging all affected persons to treat this vital information as urgent.

Source : Honestynewsgh.com

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