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MEGA EVENT: SOMAD Motivational Group Presents To You “Teens & Ties Seminar” 21. Check out details. You can’t miss this.

Management of SOMAD MOTIVATIONAL GROUP (NGO) wishes to inform and invite the general public especially the teens  and the  youth to the 2nd addition of the upcoming mega event named “TEENS AND TIES SEMINAR”.


The theme of this mega event seeks to bridge the gab between talents and skills in order to achieve more as a teenager and as a youth.

Venue, Date, Time and Rate

This seminar is set to take place at Wesley Methodist Church, Akosombo on Saturday 28th August 2021 at exactly 9:00 GMT.

Registration deadline is 14th August, 2021.

Acquiring a skill as an individual, especially a youth in this erer of hardship is always a blessing, in that regards SOMAD MOTIVATIONAL GROUP, with much enthusiasm has arranged for all participants to learn the skill in preparing certain local detergents like liquid soaps and many more.


Guest Speakers 

It is worth indicating that the following personalities will be joining the seminar as guest speakers

1.   Nuetey A. Benjamin ( Youth Activist/ CEO SOMAD)

2.   Ashley Chuks ( Musician/ Band)

3.  Cynthia Tima Yeboah ( Actress/ Media Practitioner)

4.   Sam K. Hagan ( Youth Activists. CEO, SKH Foundation)



1. No amount will be paid for registration. IT IS FREE.

2. Certificates will be awarded to all interested participants at a cool price of Ghc5.00 . Again all persons who want to register for this seminar or sponsor should please contact the management on 0559559585 / 0553974401 for more enquiries.


Source:  Honestynewsgh.com

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