
“Be on a standby for any possible strike action on 5th July on the request for COLA” – Teacher Unions to Members

The Teachers and Educational Worker’s Union of TUC Ghana through a press statement is hereby informing all members of all the teacher unions in the country concerning the cost of living allowance, COLA for teachers.

According to the statement released, the three Pre-tertiary Unions in Education, namely, Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), Teachers and Educational Workers Union of TUC (Ghana), (TEWU), National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) and the Coalition of Concerned Teachers (CCT) will hold a joint Press Conference on Tuesday 5th July, 2022 to inform the Ghanaian public on developments in the Pre-tertiary Educational Sector.


“This has become necessary due to government feet dragging on the request for payment of a Cost of Living Allowance to public sector workers”, the statement added.

The various unions leaders are therefore calling on members to be on a standby for any possible action on the request for the cost of living allowance.


For the past two months, the teacher unions have told the government of Ghana to pay them 20% Cost of Living Allowance else they will cease going to the classroom to teach.

According to NAGRAT, “Paying COLA is non-negotiable; no COLA no Classroom”.



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