
NLC Orders Teacher Unions to Call off Strike Immediately

The National Labour Commission in a press statement is ordering teacher unions to call off the industrial action immediately.

According to the National Labour Commission, the declaration of the strike was not in compliance with Section 159 of Act 651.


GNAT, NAGRAT, and CCT on 20th March,  2024 declared an industrial action nationwide over delayed with negotiation of Collective Agreement and other issues.

Read the Full Statement by the NLC below 


“The National Labour Commission in pursuance of Section 133 (1) of the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651) orders GNAT, NAGRAT, and CCT to rescind the decision of the declaration of a nationwide strike made on Wednesday 20th March, 2024, and announced on various media networks in the

“This Order is in view of the fact that the declaration was not in compliance with Section 159 of Act 651.”

NLA Orders Teacher Unions to Call of Strike Immediately

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