JUST IN || KNUST Reinstate 3550 Out of 6000 Deferred Students

The Management of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) has revealed that some of the students who were deferred for non-payment of fees have had their deferral reversed.

According to the authorities, a total of 3,550 out of the over 6,000 affected students have cleared their debt.

It comes after the University’s Management offered the affected students an opportunity to pay their fees.

The University Relations Officer (URO), Dr Daniel Norris Bekoe, told Graphic Online that about 600 Ghanaian students and 750 international students made personal payments, while the Dean of Students Scholarship Scheme catered for some 2,200 students.

Following the deferral of some 6000 students at KNUST, the Student Representative Council (SRC) swiftly engaged the authorities to agree that the affected students who could pay their fees would have their deferment reverted.

Source : Honestynewgh

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