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SAD: A story of the 9-year-old girl who crawls 1.5 kilometres to school everyday

Agnes Mba, a self motivated teenage girl who attends school at Dasabligo Primary School in the Nabdam District  in the Upper East Region crawls for over 1.5 kilometres to school daily. She deserves your kindness support.

She is unable to stand on her feet nor walk because she became paralysed at the age of 3 months when she lost the effective use of her lower limbs. Agnes is in class one now not that she is not good but rather, she did not enroll in school early because of her condition.

Speaking to Peter Agengre, the reporter, her mother explained that she sometimes carries her daughter on her back to school. Mrs Mba, told us that despite her daughter’s condition, Agnes still helps with house chores.

Agnes’ father Abanberinga Mba explained that “When she was growing up, she had difficulty in looking straight at an object. Her neck was still not strong. After some years, there was improvement on her neck and eyes but she could not walk. We tried local treatments to no avail.

“We visited the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital but we were referred to a bones specialist at Bawku. But we couldn’t go because we knew we cannot even pay for any service. So that’s how come she is in this condition.”

  He added that his daughter believes that looking unhappy would not change her situation and for that matter is always seen smiling while studying her books.

Madam Christiana Azuyema, the class one teacher of the School tells us she is very active and participatory in class.

“Agnes is good in class. She is always happy whenever her colleagues are writing something on the board. She always want to also do so. She always play with her colleagues in class. Her problem is how to come to school. So we would be happy if any assistance is given to her,” Madam Christiana Azuyema pleaded.

According to the family, the Nabdam District Assembly supported them with a tricycle a year ago but it is non-functional at the moment.

And for now, Agnes would have to continue to crawl to school until any assistance comes her way.

To assist Agnes, kindly find below the details:

Reporter’s contact: Peter Agengre – 0245768733

Father’s Momo Account: Mba Abane

MOMO Number: 0545184353

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