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Official Release: GES Releases Procedure For This Year’s Inter Regional Transfer Of Teachers- A must read by all teachers

The Ghana education service has released this year’s inter regional transfer guidelines for all teachers who with some relevant reasons wants to be transferred to a new region.


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Below are the overview of this year’s GES teacher transfer process 

1. Secure Assurance: Staff must secure  assurance from Metro/ Municipal/ District Education Office.

2. With your assurance letter, apply for reposting at District Education Office.

3. District may then issue approval for reposting as cover letter, which will be forwarded to Region for approval, then full set of documents sent to Director General.

4. Director’s general approval letter will be issued and sent to Region.

5. Region will then issue a release.


1. Teacher seeking re-posting can only be released by Region and District after the Director-General has approved the application.


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2. No aspect of the process of the application for re-posting, issuing of assurance letters, approval of the applications as well as issue of final release and posting letters require payment of any fees. This supercedes the earlier post.

Source:  Honestynewsgh.com

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