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NEWS IN: GES opens 2021 promotion portal. Check out details and APPLY HERE

The Ghana Education Service has opened the 2021/2022 promotion application portal for staffs who are due for promotion to apply for their deserving ranks.
Promtion is a word subject to several definitions but for the purposes of this study it simply refers to staff promotion as entrenched in employees’ terms and conditions of service and work. Staff promotion in the public sector of Ghana these days is worrisome as it is reported in many different platforms and media that the country is straggling to manage its purse in terms of salaries and wages payments, which leads to the bloating of the  government wages bill.
Below are the GES outlined ranks all qualified applicants can apply for.
✍️Principal Superintendent
✍️Assistant Director II
✍️Assistant Director I
✍️Deputy Director

How to apply for the 2021 GES Promotion 


✍️Click HERE to access the portal.


✍️Individuals are to click on Start New Application.

✍️Enter your staff ID and Phone Number

✍️No duplicate Phone Number and Staff ID will be accepted for an application.

✍️Select Your Grade or rank you are applying to.

✍️Click on Start Application 



NEWS IN: CCT renders an unqualified apology to Director General & GES over unfortunate news publication directing teachers to use the old curriculum


Source: Honestynewsgh.com

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