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GES SIC life insurance policy- full details 1

GES SIC life insurance policy

The GES SIC Life insurance policy was officially launched in June 2019. The policy is a collaboration between GES and the SIC Life and officially commenced in July 2019.

It is a comprehensive Group Life Insurance package for all staff of GES nationwide. This Plan takes care of the future.


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Contribution – GES SIC life insurance policy

Through the policy, GH¢10 will be deducted monthly as claimant’s monthly member contribution. Deductions will be done at source.

Who is Eligible for cover for GES SIC life insurance policy

All staff of GES who are in active service and must not have attained the age of 60 years.

 SCOPE OF COVER/ BENEFITS – GES SIC life insurance policy

i. Death Benefit (Natural or Accidental)
The cover offers a death benefit payable to named beneficiaries of any staff of GES who passes on. The policy will pay out the benefit in the event of death as a result of natural or accidental means within the policy period.

ii. Permanent Disability
This provides a 24-hour protection cover which will pay a determined amount to any staff of GES who suffers bodily injury through an accident. Accident or injury is not limited to periods during which the employee is at work. Neither does it have any geographical limitations. Payment of actual compensation is based on degree of incapacitation.


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iii. Critical Illness
This provides benefit for any staff of GES who is diagnosed with the following list of critical illnesses:

  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • deafness
  • cancer
  • kidney/renal failure
  • loss of sight
  • loss of speech
  • paralysis

The diagnosis must be certified by a qualified Medical Doctor of a Ministry of Health approved hospital within Ghana.

The following benefits are available under the policy;

  • Death – 18,000.00
  • Permanent disability – Up to 18,000.00
  • Critical illness – Up to 9,000.00


EXCLUSIONS -GES SIC life insurance policy 

Claim will not be paid for death, permanent disability and critical illness for events resulting from;

  • Suicide or self-inflicted injury.
  • War insurrection or civil commotion
  • Criminal action or intake of narcotic drugs.
  • Aviation other than as a passenger recognized airline.


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Claim Documentation Requirements

  • Written letter of notification from GES /Unions.
  • Completion of death or injury form

In addition to the above, any of the following proof of death will be required;

  • Medical certificate
  • Death certificate
  • Mortuary and burial documentations
  • Coroner’s report
  • Police report in case of accident.

In cases of permanent disability and critical illness
• Comprehensive medical report stating the cause and severity of injury or illness will be required.


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SIC Life has collaborated with the GES on several occasions as part of its corporate social responsibility projects but hopes to use the new life policy to extend its contribution.

Thanks for reading

Source: Honestynewgh.com

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