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Church of Pentecost Builds Prison with Ultra-Modern Facilities for Government (PHOTOS)

The Church of Pentecost, under the leadership of the chairman, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has built an ultra-modern prison yard to help in the decongestion of Ghana prisons.

Photos making rounds on social media reveal that the place is well-furnished and comes with a beautiful sports centre, working area, kitchen, among others.

The Ejura Prison, located in the Ashanti Region, is one of many prisons that the church plans to build in different parts of Ghana.

A report in the Ghanaiantimes indicates that the plan is to construct the modern prison facilities in the Eastern, Volta, Western and Ashanti regions.

The COP’s projects, all expected to be completed in five years, would contain cells that will accommodate 50 inmates in each, an administration block, church auditorium, water closet toilets, baths, kitchen with corn mill areas, stores and football pitches.

The 150-capacity camp buildings iwill be situated at Nsawam, Eastern Region, Kpando in Volta Region, Hiawa in Western Region, Ejura and Obuasi in Ashanti Region.

Source:  Honestynewsgh.com

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