
How to apply for NAGRAT Loan online

NAGRAT loan online application

In this write-up, will take you through all you need to know concerning how to apply for NAGRAT Loans online.

NAGRAT loans are a type of loan scheme designed to assist teachers in Ghana (NAGRAT members) to access funding to address a range of financial needs, from personal to professional.


The association is the leading union of graduate teachers in Ghana, established in 1990 to protect the professional rights and interests of teachers.

Loans in Ghana, all you need to known before taking a loan


Due to the unique needs of teachers, the government of Ghana initiated the NAGRAT loan scheme. The scheme is primarily aimed at providing financial assistance to its members to help them meet their financial needs. The loan scheme is a membership-based service that only NAGRAT members who are in active service and earn a salary are eligible to apply.

How To Apply For NAGRAT Loan Online 

1. Go to

2. Update your records if you have not done that already. Your guarantor must also update their records online

3. Then click on “Apply for Loan” on the


4. Provide your mandate number, your
affordability, amount requested and duration
of loan.

NB: The system will automatically check whether you qualify for the loan. You can only continue if you qualify

5. Provide the staff ID and verification code sent to your guarantor.

6. Then click submit (that is all)

What are the requirements for a NAGRAT Loan ?

Before a teacher can apply for a NAGRAT loan, there are some requirements that teacher needs to meet. They include:

1. You have to be a member of the
Association (NAGRAT).

2. Must be a consistent payer of Fund
Dues and NAGRAT Dues.

3. The individual must contribute to the
Fund Loan Scheme for at least six (6)

4. Pick up an IPPD form at the nearby
Regional Secretariat and fill it out
