How To Apply for Commonwealth Master’s Scholarship

Applications for Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships for the 2023/24 academic year are now closed. The application information below is for reference only.
Applicants can expect to hear the outcome of their applications by June 2023.
Candidates must apply to one of the below nominating agencies as well as to the CSC. Nominating agencies will then put forward candidates to the CSC. The CSC does not accept direct applications for these scholarships.
National nominating agencies – this is the main route of applications
Selected non-governmental organisations and charitable bodies
Each nominating agency oversees its own selection process and may have additional eligibility criteria. Candidates must check with the nominating agency for their specific advice and rules for applying, and their own eligibility criteria. Nominating agencies may set their own closing date for applications.
Candidates must complete an application using the CSC’s online application system, in addition to any other application required to be completed by the nominating agency. The CSC is unable to accept any applications that are not submitted via the online application system.
Agencies will nominate candidates to the CSC by December 2022.
Candidates are advised to complete and submit applications as early as possible as the online application system will be very busy in the days leading up to the application deadline.
Supporting documentation
Applications must include supporting documentation to be eligible.
Note that candidates are required to collect references, on institution letterhead or an email clearly showing the sender’s details, from referees and then upload them to the application system in PDF format with their other supporting documentation. This is a change from previous years when referees would receive a separate email requesting their statements.
The references must be uploaded to the application system by the deadline for applications and we are unable to accept references any other way or after this date.
Candidates must upload the following documents with the application:
1. Proof that the applicant is a citizen or has refugee status in an eligible Commonwealth country: a copy of a valid passport (or national ID card) showing a photograph, date of birth, and country of citizenship
2. Full transcripts detailing all higher education qualifications, including to-date transcripts for any courses currently being studied, with certified translations if not in English
3. References from at least two individuals, on institutional letterhead or an email clearly showing the sender’s details
If any of the required documentation is not provided by the closing date, the application will be considered ineligible.
Candidates can also upload any university admissions letters held for their chosen courses.
The CSC will not accept supporting documentation submitted by nominating agencies or outside the online application system.
Please note that the CSC does not charge candidates to apply for any of its scholarships or fellowships through its online application system and it does not charge organisations to nominate candidates.